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Residual Landscape

Residual landscape explores the relation between the spiritual worship ...

100%Terschelling Cottage

Studio Elmo Vermijs and Leo van der Ploeg realized an information stand ...

Zaanse Datsja

In the context of the "Netherlands-Russia year" in 2013, Studio Elmo Ver...


The Buijtenkeuken (Outside Kitchen), part of workplace Buijtenland, is a...

100%Terschelling Pavilion

The Harvest and Knowledge Map Terschelling was the starting point for th...

Tower room

Studio Elmo Vermijs was asked to design the interior of the Tower Room i...

Greenhouse Pavilion

Landkunst, a yearly program in the province of North Brabant, connects t...

Makers Festival

Studio Elmo Vermijs realized in collaboration with Dirk Overduin the spa...

Settlingtank kitchen

For the festival Edible Landscape, Studio Elmo Vermijs realized a pavili...

Crate Cupboard#3

KISTKAST#3 was presented first to the public during the exhibition 20134...


For the exhibition Gesamtkunstwerk in the gallery E105 (formerly in Bo...

Crate Cupboard#1

Crate Cupboard#1 stems from the fascination for re-use, mobility and spa...

Extrapool Pavilion

Artist collective Extrapool from Nijmegen (NL) invited Studio Elmo Vermi...

People's kitchen

This mobile kitchen brings people in contact by cooking and eating a col...